Summer is best spent at the lake…

We had a blast swimming in the lake over the weekend!

Fergus and Laijla were swimming all over which was impressive because the edge of this lake wasn’t sand it was rocks, some zero entrance spots but then also drop offs close to the waters edge. That can be really scary for a dog to be running in the water and then just drop below the water and have to bob back up and swim! These two didn’t miss a beat and swam their hearts out! I’m SO proud of them!! Laijla went out first and dropped off the water’s edge, disappeared under water, bobbed back up, and swam to me. She then ran off it again. :D She clearly loved this plummeting feeling and swam all over! Fergus was playing with the kids and didn’t see her discovery but handled the drop off and dunk very calmly and swam and ran around the rocky edge for hours till they both finally were too tired to swim and slept on the rocks while we humans cliff dived into the lake water.

Being puppies still their recall wasn’t 100% in the slightest but they did really try their best to listen… its just so hard when other people are playing in the water too, Newfies HAVE to always go over and say hi to the smallest humans first and then the adults too.

Laijla was also coming into heat for her first time and was much harder to convince to not go see all the other male dogs around.

But no adventure is without it’s stubbed toe. :)

This really was a memorable day that I hope to have many many more like it.

(We didn’t take Meija since she is due any day now. Fergus and Laijla are 6 months old now!)


Puppies are here!!


Into the forest…