
Jasper is a nice patterned Landseer male puppy!

He has a sweet personality and calm temperament.

He has been a goofy puppy and has stolen the heart of my 6 year old son. He is often the one who nurses on his back, legs out, and tail wagging. He has a true love for life!

Jasper is a soft snuggler. He will cuddle up and nap with who ever holds him. If you set him down he doesn’t mind, he just waddles his way over to your feet and rest his head on your toes.

Jasper has shown that he is a gentle loving soul who is content with his circumstances. He has a fabulous personality and is such a fun puppy to play with.

He is going to love his new home in MI with all the snow and ample swimming adventures at the Great Lakes.

I am excited to see how Jasper turns out full grown!