Water exposure exercises
All the puppies did some swimming (in our warm tub) today for water exposure exercises! I love water and love how these pups take to it as if they have always been swimming. Meija’s pups are SUPER comfortable in the water! I’m so glad! Makes me proud! We let them wander around the tub till they start to look board and then pull them out. Getting pulled out of the tub some of them will actually cry. They cry a few times and then get over it. They also enjoy the post bath tub snuggling on the couch while we dry them off. This is the part my kids LOVE. We start a movie and each child will hold puppies on their laps and dry them up. Once pups are dry the kids ditch the towels and snuggle in. The puppies love to be snuggled up and cuddled with kids is perfect for them! I love the little blanket forts and hiding spots the kids make and bring the puppies into to snuggle with them while they watch a movie. It warms my heart to see and is great learning experiences for little puppies.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CI4fVHdhraZ/?utm_source=ig_webcopylink <- click here to see a puppy swimming video